
2021年8月18日—WhendecidingwhethertopostvideosonYouTube,orhostthemyourselfonyoursite,thefirstthingtoconsiderisreach.Inmarketing,reach ...,YourchoicebetweenYouTubeandawebsitelargelydependsonthenatureofyourcontent.YouTubeisinherentlyvideo-centric.Ifyourstrengthliesincreating ...,Shareyourvideoswithfriends,family,andtheworld.,2023年11月24日—Websiteisthebetterwaytoearnmoney.InYouTubeyougetonlyasing...

Should I host my videos on YouTube or my own website?

2021年8月18日 — When deciding whether to post videos on YouTube, or host them yourself on your site, the first thing to consider is reach. In marketing, reach ...

YouTube Channel Vs Website

Your choice between YouTube and a website largely depends on the nature of your content. YouTube is inherently video-centric. If your strength lies in creating ...


Share your videos with friends, family, and the world.

YouTube vs website which is best?

2023年11月24日 — Website is the better way to earn money. In YouTube you get only a single ad in your videos and that can not be modified as per your need.

Is it best to also have a website if you also have a Youtube ...

2023年2月27日 — Best for what? A website can be useful, but it really depends on what you do with it. If you just use it to copy/paste your yt content, I'm not ...

Your browser is up to date

YouTube. Your browser is up to date. You can use YouTube's latest features! Opera · Google Chrome · Mozilla Firefox · Browse YouTube · About · Copyright ...

YouTube vs your own site

2021年4月26日 — It seems that it'd be better to host on your own site. Granted YouTube might get you more exposure initially but its better to drive traffic to ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
